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MACArrowRefurbishmentsArrowHow to Return Your Standard

If you would like for your Set of standards to be refurbished by MAC then please Contact Us to receive a quotation. If the following information could also be provided;
  • Registered Standard Number (stamped on the reverse of the block)
  • Digital Image(s) of the block requiring the refurbishment
  • Details of any known problems that you are currently having with the block of standards
this would assist us in being able to provide a more accurate quotation.

Please do not despatch standards until a quotation has been received


When you despatch your set of standards for refurbishment, please can you advise MAC of the anticipated despatch date and forward a copy of any documentation which will be enclosed; this will allow us to prepare to receive your parcel. If your courier requires a description of the goods enclosed, please label as "Calibration Standards".

The delivery address can be found in the Contact Us section of the Website.

When returning standards from outside the UK, please ensure that the parcel and any documents enclosed state "the standard is being returned temporarily for repair and will be returned to the country of origin within 6 weeks"